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The Philip Southcote School Careers Programme
At Philip Southcote School we are committed to ensuring all pupils have access to careers advice, support in school and access to employers and the workplace. Our named Moving On Coordinator in school is Miss Karen Robinson:
Our Lead for Careers across the school is Louise Cooper, one of our Deputy Heads.
Please do get in touch if you have any specific careers queries.
Our careers provision is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks as recommended in the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the Statutory Guidance for Careers (January 2018). The 8 benchmarks are explained below:
Philip Southcote School is committed to providing Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all pupils through the curriculum and organised activities. Careers Guidance will focus on the specific needs of the individual pupil to promote self- awareness and personal development. It will aim to provide current and relevant information to enable each pupil to make informed decisions about their future. It will be presented in an impartial manner, be confidential and differentiated to suit the requirements of each individual pupil.
The Careers Programme is designed to meet the collective and individual needs of the pupils at Philip Southcote School. The programme is therefore differentiated and personalised to ensure pupils progress through their stages of career planning and development.
- helping each pupil to reach their full potential
- developing their employability skills
- developing independent learning skills
- raising individual aspirations and expectations
- supporting their life-long learning
Key Stage 3 Provision
- All pupils attend half termly careers assemblies
- All pupils investigate a variety of careers through the PHSE Curriculum
Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form Provision
The Careers Programme includes individual and collective careers guidance from the school’s Moving on Coordinator. Other activities include:
- A work experience placement to support career aspirations
- College presentations at an open evening within school
- Support with completing College application forms
- Mock interviews in preparation for work experience placements
- Supported CV and Personal Statement sessions
- Parent evenings to meet college representative
By the end of Key Stage 4, all pupils will have:
- As part of the PSE pupils study how to apply for a job, interview techniques, CVs and application forms.
- Enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and employability skills
- Used ICT software and other sources of advice to investigate and explore future choices and progression routes
- Experienced the world of work through a work experience placement
- Been provided with the resources to complete the post-16 application procedures, including CVs, personal statements, and preparation for interview
- Been given information about appropriate available funding
- Attended at least one careers guidance interview provided by an external careers adviser.
By the end of Sixth Form, all pupils will have:
- Actively engaged in the world of work through a variety of work experience opportunities
- Followed the Personal and Social Education curriculum to enhance their employability through extensive experience of CV and job application experience
- Followed Personal Progress or Independent Pathways, which encompass a variety of foci to encourage personal development, independence and preparation for adulthood.
- Attended at least two careers guidance interviews provided by an external careers adviser.
We are committed to delivering an engaging and progressive Careers Programme. We work closely with our Careers Governor, Lorraine Taylor, to ensure we are constantly developing our offer.
Application for Provider Access
Provider Access Policy Statement
Date updated: January 2023
High quality careers education and guidance in school or college is critical to young people’s futures. It helps to prepare them for the workplace by providing a clear understanding of the world of work including the routes to jobs and careers that they might find engaging and rewarding. It supports them to acquire the self-development and career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps students to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy.
As the number of apprenticeships rises every year, it becomes increasingly important that all young people have a full understanding of all the options available to them post-16 and post-18 including wider technical education options.
Philip Southcote is committed to ensuring there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access students, for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships. Philip Southcote is fully aware of the responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need. That means acting impartially, in line with the statutory duty, and not showing bias towards any route, be that academic or technical.
Philip Southcote endeavours to ensure that all students are aware of all routes to higher skills and are able to access information on technical options and apprenticeships (The Department of Education, July 2021: “Baker Clause”: supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options, and the Provider Access Legislation, January 2023).
The Philip Southcote policy for access to other education and training providers has the following aims:
To develop the knowledge and awareness of our students of all career pathways available to them, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships.
To support young people to be able to learn more about opportunities for education and training outside of school before making crucial choices about their future options.
To reduce drop out from courses and avoid the risk of students becoming NEET (Young people not in education, employment or training).
Student Entitlement
Philip Southcote fully supports the statutory requirement for students to have direct access to other providers of further education training, technical training and apprenticeships. The school will comply with the new legal requirement to put on at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships. This will be done in assemblies throughout the year, in addition to providers attending careers events at the school.
This policy has been developed and is reviewed annually by the Moving On Coordinator (Karen Robinson), SLT Careers Lead (Louise Cooper) and Line Manager (Lee Jerwood - Headteacher) based on current good practice guidelines by the Department for Education.
Links with other policies
It supports and is underpinned by key school policies including those for Careers, Child Protection, Equality and Diversity, and SEND.
You can find our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy here: Key Information
Equality and Diversity
Access to other providers is available and promoted to allow all students to access information about other providers of further education and apprenticeships. Philip Southcote is committed to encouraging all students to make decisions about their future based on impartial information.
Requests for access
Requests for access should be directed to Karen Robinson, Moving On Coordintaor. Karen Robinson may be contacted by telephone or email: robinsonk@philip-southcote.surrey.sch.uk / 01932562326.
Grounds for granting requests for access
Access will be given for providers to attend during school assemblies, timetabled Careers-based lessons, and Careers or Raising Aspirations events that Philip Southcote is arranging. Students may also travel to visit another provider as part of the trip to be organised in partnership with Philip Southcote.
Details of premises or facilities to be provided to a person who is given access
Philip Southcote will provide an appropriate room or assembly hall to be agreed. Computer rooms can also be arranged. The Moving On Coordinator will organise this, working closely with the provider to ensure the facilities are appropriate to the audience. Appropriate safeguarding checks will be carried out. Providers will be met and supervised by a member of the Careers Team who will facilitate.
Live/Virtual encounters
Philip Southcote will consider live online encounters with providers where requested, and these may be broadcast into classrooms or the school assembly hall. Technology checks in advance will be required to ensure compatibility of systems.
Parents and Carers
Parental involvement is encouraged, and parents may be invited to attend the events to meet the providers.
The Moving On Coordinator coordinates all provider requests and is responsible to his/her senior management line manager.
Complaints Procedure
Any complaints about this policy should be raised to Louise Cooper, email: cooperl@philip-soutchote.surrey.sch.uk. Louise Cooper will raise the complaint to Lee Jerwood, Headteacher, Philip Southcote.
Monitoring review and evaluation
The Policy is monitored and evaluated annually via the Careers Team.
Policy Coordinator: Louise Cooper
Policy Reviewed: January 2023
Providers who have been invited into Philip Southcote to date include:
- Brooklands College
- Kingston College
- Merrist Wood College
- The Halow Project
- Surrey Choices
- Dramatize
- Guildford
- Nescot
- Richmond College
- Woking College
- Alton College
- Treloars College
- BCA College
- Club House Project
- West Thames College
- Foxes Aurora
Destinations of previous pupils from Philip Southcote include:
- Brooklands College
- Kingston College
- Merrist Wood College
- The Halow Project
- Surrey Choices
- Dramatize
- Guildford College
- Nescot College
- Richmond College
- Woking College
- Alton College
- Treloars College
- BCA College
- Club House Project
- West Thames College
- Foxes Aurora
- Syon Manor College
Local Colleges and Post-16 Provisions
Philip Southcote Sixth Form:
Phone number- 01932562326
Website- https://www.philipsouthcoteschool.co.uk/26/sixth-form
Brooklands College:
Phone number- 01932504560
Website- https://www.brooklands.ac.uk/
Guildford College:
Phone number- 08006126008
Website- https://guildford.activatelearning.ac.uk/
Nescot College:
Phone number- 02083941731
Website- https://www.nescot.ac.uk/
Richmond College:
Phone number- 02086078000
Website- https://www.rutc.ac.uk
Woking College:
Phone number- 01483761036
Website- https://woking.ac.uk/
Kingston College:
Phone number- 02085462151
Website- https://stcg.ac.uk/kingston-college
Merrist Wood:
Phone number- 08006126008
Website- https://merristwood.activatelearning.ac.uk
Alton College:
Phone number- 01420592200
Website- https://www.hsdc.ac.uk/study-with-us/alton-campus/
Treloars College:
Phone number- 01420547400
Website- https://www.treloar.org.uk/
BCA College:
Phone number- 01628824444
Website- https://www.bca.ac.uk/
Clubhouse Project:
Phone number- 01932988708
Website- https://www.clubhouseproject.org.uk/
Phone number- 07912183085
Website- http://www.dramatize.co.uk/
Halow Project:
Phone number- 01483447960
Website- https://www.halowproject.org.uk/
West Thames College:
Phone number- 02083262000
Website- https://www.west-thames.ac.uk/
Moving On - Destinations
Year |
% Further Education |
% Employment |
% NEET |
23 - 24 (53) |
88.5% |
9.5% |
2% |
22 - 23 (24) |
87.5% |
8% |
4% |
21 - 22 (32) |
91% |
6% |
3% |
20-21 (42) |
97.5% |
2.5% |
0% |
19-20 (27) |
89% |
7% |
4% |
18-19 (27) |
93% |
7% |
0% |
17-18 (27) |
100% |
0% |
0% |
16-17 (23) |
95% |
5% |
0% |
15-16 |
85% |
5% |
10%* |
14-15 |
89% |
11% |
0% |
13-14 |
100% |
0% |
0% |
12-13 |
100% |
0% |
0% |
23-24 leavers attended 10 different external further education providers
22-23 leavers attended 6 different external further education providers
Useful Links for Parents and Teachers
https://www.ndti.org.uk/resources/preparing-for-adulthood-all-tools-resources | This provides a range of tools, including employment, independent living and friends and relationships resources. |
www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk | This website provides support and information for children and young people with additional needs, as well as their families. This is particularly useful when looking for events, such as the Preparing for Adulthood event. |
https://www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk/young-people/preparing-for-adulthood/supported-internships | Supported internships are educational programmes for young people with SEND that mostly take place in the workplace. The main aim of supported internships is to give young people aged 16-24 skills to help them get a job. This link provides key information about supported internships and how to apply. |
https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch | This tool allows you to search for specific apprenticeships in your local area. |
https://innervatecareers.co.uk/resources/young-people/ | Innervate is an independent careers services company providing careers and personal guidance services for schools. Innervate provides our careers guidance interviews. On their website, they have a range of resources for both parents and young people. |
https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/traineeships--2 | These help young people who want to get an apprenticeship or job but don’t yet have the right skills or experience. Use this link to find out more information and traineeships that are available now. |
Information for parents
Labour Market Information
Labour Market Information documents are provided to give key information about career and job requirements, patterns and availability. Parents/carers and staff should try and use this key information to support young people to understand the roles in different sectors, as well as any opportunities in the surrounding areas.
Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.
Work Experience
Year 11 all have one week of work experience. These placements can range from local schools, hairdressing salons, local businesses, local supermarkets and many more organisations. Some students may even feel more comfortable remaining in school so may find themselves working in the school office or even with the Premises team.
In Sixth Form, we try to get as many of our young people out onto work experience when, of course, they feel prepared and ready to do so. Karen Robinson, our Moving On Coordinator, works closely with pupils throughout the year to find out the kinds of placements they would like to gain experience in and then matches them to local businesses where possible.
Here are some of our students talking about their experiences in the workplace:
My placement is at a gym. I ask customers how they are, make sure all the machines are working and make sure they are all cleaned. I also applied to volunteer every Saturday and was successful. This is where I want to work.
I work in a Mother and Toddler Group once a week. I help to set up the room and prepare snacks for the children. I have learnt to travel on the bus to get to my placement. This is my second work experience placement. I have grown in confidence.
I am working at a local charity shop. I help to sort through donations and price items. I am improving my communication skills and my confidence is growing.
I am working in a school as a Learning Support Assistant. I support young students with Special Needs. This will be my last placement before I leave Sixth Form. I have learnt many new skills.
I am working at a Nursery once a week. This is my first placement. This has given me more confidence. I enjoy working with the children and this is something I want to do when I leave Sixth Form.
Employers and Volunteers
We welcome anyone who would like to donate their time or experience to help us develop our careers provision. Giving our students the chance to encounter the world of work is invaluable in helping them to gain key life experiences, as well as to raise their own aspirations about their futures.
If you would like to get involved, we have identified some of the areas of highest impact that we would welcome your experience in. If you would like to be part of any of the below please do not hesitate to contact us using our contact form
Area |
Time commitment |
Assemblies and presentations: |
30 mins |
Provide Post-16 apprenticeships: |
On-site visits: Are you able to take a student to your place of work and give them an experience of a ‘day in the life’? |
Half - full day |
Interview preparations and mock interviews: |
1 - 3 hours |
Volunteering opportunities: |
Work Experience opportunities: |