Southcote Parents and Friends Association
Welcome to Southcote PFA.
We are Southcote Parents and Friends Association. All parents of students at the school and all staff are members. Everyone is welcome! Southcote PFA is a registered charity #1180299. We organise events to bring the community together, providing fun opportunities for children and adults and to raise funds for projects which support the children and their education within the school.
We meet regularly to plan what we are going to do next. There is a small committee who administer the charity, and we are always looking for more of you to come and join us. Look out for notices around the school and in the newsletter. Everything we do is for the children and the more of us who get involved, the more we can do to support them. Some of our biggest events are the Christmas Fair, Halloween Disco, Family Bingo night and many more. These events are inclusive and are fun for all.
Our current fund-raising project is to fund for a school minibus to enable students to attend medical appointments, participate in therapeutic activities and learn life skills in community settings outside the school. Watch out for news of what we’re trying to achieve and join in.
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and say Hello! Our email address is -