School Uniform

Main School

Our branded school uniform is available through the school supplier School Uniform Direct. The closest shop is located in West Byfleet.  Please call the store (020 8544 5440) prior to visiting to ensure items are available. Non-branded items can be purchased at a shop of your choice. Branded items can also be purchased online via the website School Uniform Direct 

KS3 and KS4 pupils are required to wear the following school clothing:

Boys / Girls
  • Philip Southcote Jumper or Cardigan with School Logo (Compulsory)
    • KS3 – years 7, 8, and 9 Blue jumper or cardigan
    • KS4 – years 10 and 11 Red jumper or cardigan
  • Black Blazer (Optional) 
    Branded blazers can be purchased from the School Uniform Direct website or a school badge can be purchased from the school office and put on a non-branded black blazer.
  • White Shirt or Polo Shirt (Logo Optional)
  • Smart Black Trousers, Knee-length Black Skirt or Smart Black Shorts (Non-Branded)
  • Black Outdoor Shoes (Non-Branded)

Please ensure that all clothing is marked with your child’s name.

PE Clothing

We ask for students to come to school in their kit on the days they have P.E. lessons.  

  • White Round-Neck T-Shirt (Logo Optional)
  • Black Shorts (Non-Branded)
  • Black Sports Leggings (Logo Optional)
  • Black Jogging Bottoms (Non-Branded)
  • White Socks (Non-Branded)
  • Plimsolls or Trainers (Non-Branded)
  • Swimsuit/Trunks for Swimming and a Towel (you’ll be advised when your child has swimming sessions)
Southcote Centres

Students in our Southcote Centres follow the uniform guidelines of their host schools, if you need to discuss any uniform requirements please contact the Southcote Centre admin team. 

Sixth Form

In the Sixth Form, students have the freedom to wear their own clothes, reflecting their transition into young adulthood. It’s essential that their outfits remain suitable for the Sixth Form environment and the activities they engage in each day. The Induction Pack will provide specific clothing ideas to guide them. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to the Sixth Form office.

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