PSHE, RSE and Preparation for Adulthood
Curriculum Intent
Through the delivery of PSHE we want to enable all our pupils to become independent and responsible young people who are able to approach the issues they will encounter throughout adult life with confidence and the knowledge to make appropriate choices and decisions. The curriculum will allow them the opportunity to understand the diversity of relationships they will form throughout life. We aim to equip our young people with the skills and knowledge they need to enable them to take a successful role in the workplace.
Pupils will demonstrate feeling safe and confident in the school environment, at home and in the wider community and will be aware of how to seek support and advice if they need it. Pupils build the confidence to take on a variety of roles and responsibilities in school including being the representatives of the pupil voice on the School Council, House Captains, representing the school on a sports team, Head of Table or Librarian.
Pupils will leave Philip Southcote with the vocabulary, knowledge, understanding, confidence and resilience they need as young adults.
We have a well-planned spiral PSHE curriculum which pupils follow from Year 7 through to the end of Year 14. The PSHE curriculum runs alongside our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) curriculum allowing pupils the opportunity to focus on a large spectrum of topics including emotional health and wellbeing, relationships, alcohol, careers, and being safe. This spiral curriculum, both in PSHE and RSE, continues for our young people who continue their journey through into our Sixth Form, where they further enhance their learning and experience of vital everyday life skills.
We create a trusting environment in which our young people can explore their feelings and emotions, worries and questions at what can be a challenging time. Both our PSHE and RSE curriculums link to SMSC as part of a cross curricular approach. Lesson activities include the opportunity to discuss and debate, share opinions and knowledge.
Many themes of assemblies also support the learning opportunities in PSHE lessons, as part of a cross curricular SMSC programme. During lessons, pupils will have access to key vocabulary and meanings in order to access and develop their learning. PSHE lessons are designed to be delivered in a variety of ways including whole group or small group discussion, role play, individual reflection activities, question and answer tasks, all designed to support the pupil in developing their self-confidence, knowledge, opinions and to challenge new ideas.